Just as the Caterpillar begins its transformation, we can be equally proactive.
Taking steps in my own life, several actions have proven to be effective, in all challenges including stokes.
In my own life, Qi Gong has proven remarkable. More details are revealed in the Free Webinar you can attend. CJ, Recovering From Strokes Club founding member, Qi Gong demonstrated effectiveness, during his first experience, having had a stroke ten years previously, felt a tingle down his leg. How much better might he be, if he started started Qi Gong, ten years before, and done it daily for 15 years since his stroke?
Another action CJ took, with remarkable results. He tried the Chi Palm. CJ for ten years had a closed right fist due to the stroke. Four days using the Chi Palm, his hand flattened out. Upon a recent visit, five years after CJ first using the Chi Palm, his hand had returned to a fist. Not using it for five years, his hand had returned, charging up the Chi Palm, his hand flattened out in two days. What else could have happened if CJ had been using the Chi Palm for 15 years?
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