Caterpillar or Butterfly?

Chances are you are a Caterpillar if you . . .

Offer excuses & reasons.

Sometimes lose hope.

Sometimes feel sad or dejected.

Often dark & serious.

Get sad & discouraged. 

Life of excuses & reasons.

Reluctant to ask for help.

View things as impossible.

View life as work.

Others leading you. 

Revisit & reminisce reruns.

Connect less & less.

Feel weighted down by life. 

Crawling through life.

Eating, sleeping & pooping. 

Are comfortable with the familiar. 

Submit to others authority. 

Being a follower.

Are limited at best!

Reluctant to learn.

Certain of your way.

Considerable uncertainty.

Often Self-Medicate

Watch reruns on television.

Are simply waiting to die.

Less & less appreciation of life. 

Agitated often. 

Accepting your good & bad. 

Accepting your fate.

Believing self deception & lies.

Are uncertain & muddled. 

Are openly slowly dying, 

Are struggling through. 

More of     "me my mine"      isolation

- more slowly moving all the time.

Chances are you are a Butterfly if you . . . 

Are light & playful.

Exude heart, courage & confidence.

View life as exciting adventure.

View life as play.

Lead others.

Have life of solutions & victories. 

Often filled with Joy!

Feel jubiliant & victorious.

Are courageously living each moment.

Embrace new stories & horizons. 

Always making new friends.

Connect more and more. 

Are always and all ways grateful.

Are peaceful & calm. 

Grow more knowing often.

Enjoy a natural high. 

Make your own movies. 

Are always doing better. 

Excited learning new things.

Know & accept a higher way.

Excited for new chapters.

Demonstrate the authority. 

Are a leader.

Lift yourself & others up. 

Dance with the winds. 

Enjoy beauty & contribute.

Are proactive. 

Are clear & concise. 

Live each moment fully.

Embody heart, confidence & courage

Rise effortlessly. 

Patiently wait for the great. 

Create your fate. 

Life in truth. 

Love to fly. 

Love to love.

More Flying than resting with a "we us ours"   unifying outlook in all things.

If you like the idea of "overcoming"
your current life symptoms now, then  . . .

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